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Making your bar YOU'nique.

See what I did there? Corny joke 101. But this blog really IS about making your bar unique and special to you. Hosts, most especially brides and grooms, often forget that the event they are hosting is supposed to be a reflection of them and their likes and dislikes, or those of the guest of honour. When considering your only going to get one kick at the can to impress the guests with your own creative touch to the bar-the real question is-why NOT do something fun and different? Here are some ideas gaining a lot of momentum on sites like Pinterest and some of my personal favourites...guilty.

Craft Beer Sample Bar

Your hubby to be loves craft beer? Why not have a craft beer sample taste bar? It adds a touch of his interests (which trust me, once your married will be yours too...regardless if you like it or not!) and also adds a little extra flair to your wedding bar. Have the MR. pick out 8 of his favourite craft beers and serve 2-3 ounces in each glass with the information of each brand listed. This gives him the ability to show off his tastes, literally and figuratively and gives guests the ability to try something they may not have normally tried.

Mojito Bar

Have you ever been to a summer wedding where the heat was unbearable, like dancing on the equator unbearable? Where you felt it in your BONES. And where all you want is the most refreshing drink humanly possible and available (save water, because lets be honest.) Enter Mojito Bar. Nothing is more refreshing, or aesthetically pleasing as a mojito. You have endless options to display and serve and your guests will be nothing but giddy with the idea to be there own bartender and concoct their very own signature drink.

Lemonade Stand

This cute, vintage bar idea is great for hydrating your guests while they wait to enter the reception or for your ceremony to start. Not all weddings jump right into serving alcohol and some events are dry so this works great as a non alcoholic option as well. Pink Lemonade, Limeade or Classic lemonade-the gang is all here, or it can be! (Plus-how endearing and vintage are the displays? LOVE.)

Whisky (Or Whiskey, for my fellow Irish folk) Bar

I had to put this on the list. Partly because my wedding ran out of whisky promptly at 11pm so I see its true value, but also because it is the definition of class and sophistication. Think 'Mad Men.' Choose a few whisky's that boast different origins, flavours and ages. There is so much room to have fun with this idea. Adorn your table with Ron Burgandy approved decor, add some post meal cigars and let the swirling begin.

Coffee Bar

It's 10pm, you've been at it all day...or so it seems and then the DJ starts playing the wedding classics...(I'm a sucker for Mambo #5) and you need that little kick in the rear to get your dancing shoes in gear. Welcome to the coffee bar. But this is no typical coffee in an urn with styrofoam cups and the usual suspects; milk, cream, sugar. Introduce whipped cream, cinnamon, mocha syrups, vanilla creamer...the possibilities are endless. You can even have custom disposable cups made for a very affordable price designed with your names or even a slogan..."love is brewing." Yup, the play on words gets me every time.

I could go on forever about the large variety of specialty bar options, these were just 5 of the ones I was all too excited to plan. This is what Alewife specializes in, making your event SPECIAL. Even if you have an off the cuff idea, we can make it happen-we revel in our ability to not just try new things but go over the fence, into the stars with them. Below are more fun ideas for bar options. Contact Alewife if anything jumps out at you as a 'must have' for your big day!

Sangria Bar

Mimosa Bar

Hot Chocolate Bar

Bride and Groom Signature Drinks

Individual Welcome Drinks

Champagne Service

Tea Bar

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